Instructions for Downloading and Using the Mobile App

Step 1: Download and install the free app from the relevant app store:
Select "Install"

Step 2: After the app has finished downloading and installing, select "open". You may also find the app on your home screen or list of apps on your phone or mobile device.

Step 3: You will see the image below. Select "Get Started".

Step 4: Search for our church. You may do this by entering our special code "25251" or by typing our name, "Amboy Baptist Church". After inputting the information, please be patient. It may take up to 15-20 seconds for the results to load.

Step 5: Depending on your method of search, you may see multiple churches listed.  Look for the complete name "Amboy Baptist Church" and our logo. Tap on Amboy Baptist Church.

Step 6: Select "Set as MyChurch"

Your set up is now complete.  Now, when you open the MyChurch App, you will be taken directly to Amboy Baptist Church.  You will be able to follow a link to this website, check for new sermons, and contact the church office all from the new app!

© Amboy Baptist Church. Design by Eve.